Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2018)                   itrc 2018, 10(3): 60-68 | Back to browse issues page

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1- ICT Department Tarbiat Modares University Tehran,Iran
2- ICT Department University of Qom Qom,Iran , farjami@gmail.com
3- ICT Department University of Qom Qom,Iran
Abstract:   (2186 Views)
Nowadays in the business world, all levels of all organizations need a concise planning. Regarding high-speed growth in globalization and competition trend, moving the organizations to the creation of integrated software systems with using latest technologies is a necessity. One of the most significant among the above-mentioned software systems is ERP. Both SOA and cloud deals with delivering services to business with improved agility increased speed and reduced cost that can lead to greater innovation and effective returns on investment. In this paper, after study about functional and nonfunctional requirements of ERP systems, by a framework, It will be study and research about achievement in ERP systems after engaging SOA and cloud computing and their impacts on ERP. Such that these impacts will resolve so many of shortages and needs of conventional ERP as well as reduction of risks and costs of implementation of ERP in organizations. Finally, we used ATAM for evaluating the framework. The idea of the experts in both business and ICT gathered by questionnaire and the data analyzed via TOPSIS method. Similar research for using strength of SOA and cloud computing in traditional ERP in shipping industry is a novelty.
Keywords: ERP, SOA, Cloud Computing, IRISL
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Information Technology

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