1- Department of Management and Economic science University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
2- Kish International Campus University of Tehran Kish, Iran
3- School of Engineering University of Tehran Tehran, Iran , moeini@ut.ac.ir
Abstract: (2054 Views)
With the start of the Coronavirus epidemic, remote education systems were widely accepted in all universities around the world. The University of Tehran, the top university in Iran, had an electronic education system since 2010, which provided services in this field to the academic community. With the spread of the pandemic, these services became widespread in all departments of the University of Tehran. Compared to traditional learning, E-Learning brings challenges for Users, the main challenge of which is Users’ Satisfaction. In this paper, by examining the developed model based on the TAM model and the factor analysis of this model, the level of satisfaction of student users with the elearning management system of the University of Tehran during the Corona era is carefully evaluated. The exploitation of this model with the analytical method of partial least squares in the construction of structural equations is based on the information collected from the questionnaire that has been provided to the users of the e-learning system of the University of Tehran. The results obtained from this study show that the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) describes well the factors affecting the level of user satisfaction with the E-learning management system. The positive effect of the visual beauty and the quality of the information in this system has improved the technical quality of the service; as a result, the level of user satisfaction in using this system has increased.