1- Electrical Engineering Department Electrical and Computer Faculty Tarbiat Modares University Tehran, Iran , ali2451377@gmail.com
2- Biomedical Engineering Department Electrical and Computer Faculty Hakim Sabzevari University Sabzevar, Iran.
Abstract: (1060 Views)
As an emerging technology that combines both digital and physical realms, access to information technology has expanded (IoT) the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things, as it becomes more pervasive, will overshadow human life as much as possible. Some of the major challenges associated with the development of this phenomenon have been the issue of security, which is needed in all its layers and even specifically in individual layers. According to the structure and applications of the Internet of Things, as well as the threats and challenges in cyberspace, we first examine security needs and then, by examining some methods of securing the Internet of Things, we propose a method according to the approaches discussed.
Type of Study:
Research |