Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2022)                   itrc 2022, 14(3): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

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Doost R, Hajipour P, Shahidzadeh S, Roghieh Karimzadeh Baee R. FDR Adjustment for Achieving Desired Minimum Distance of Marine ESIM from the Shore. itrc 2022; 14 (3) :1-9
URL: http://journal.itrc.ac.ir/article-1-500-en.html
1- ICT Research Institute (Iran Telecom Research Center) Tehran,Iran , doost@itrc.ac.ir
2- ICT Research Institute (Iran Telecom Research Center) Tehran,Iran
3- Malek Ashtar University of Technology Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1802 Views)
Determining and observing the minimum allowable distance of the marine earth station in motion (M-ESIM) from the shore prevents its destructive interference on the co-frequency shore fixed station. ESIMs are providing broadband Fixed Satellite Services (FSS). This paper studies the parameters involved in determining the minimum allowable distance of the ship from the shore by the interference simulation. The results show that with decreasing the carrier frequency, decreasing latitude or increasing the number of annual passing vessels, this minimum distance increases. In this paper a methodology is presented and simulated to keep constant the minimum allowed distance by adjusting the values of the frequency dependent rejection (FDR). FDR is caused by shifting the M-ESIM frequency band. The minimum distance of 100, 105 and 110Km is evaluated in this paper. In this way, the M-ESIM can be close to the shore as near as the desired distance using the FDR adjustment.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Communication Technology

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